Så gik der igen lang tid siden jeg ‘bloggede’ sidst.

Jeg var på gaden (sammen med 50.000 – 120.000 andre) d. 17 maj for at protestere mod regeringens planer om nedsækringer og foringelser at store dele af velfærdssamfundet. Ville egentlig sætte nogle billeder af gøgl, politi, talere osv. ind her, men jeg fik ikke lige taget nogen. Der er sikkert mange andre billeder hvis man søger lidt rundt på nettet.

I dag har jeg været med esben ude og træne, og så sider jeg og skal lige til at gå igang med at begynde på min java aflevering til næste uge.


Where did all this great weather come from? It has been like a genuine summer day today! I don’t have any school on Thursdays, so I have had the entire day off. I do have a lot of reading to do however… will get that started real soon now.

Anyway, last weekend went by way to fast. Friday was heavy drinking day! I started out by meeting Sarah and some of her friends (and friends of friends) at Nørreport where we went for a quick beer at Heidi’s Bier Bar. I only stayed for half an hour or so, then I said goodbye and went to meet Esben at Strawinsky. We met up at Gothersgade, and went in. Esben wasn’t drinking any alcohol for the entire night, so I had to do the drinking for the both of us, and I think I did a fair job! Later on more people showed up, there was drinking, dancing, shouting and fooseball. All in all it was a great night with nice company!
Night turned into morning, the club closed and after I a quick tuna fish sandwich I walked home in the light of dawn.

Next day, Saturday, I for some strange reason woke up around 10 am, and could not sleep any more. So I got a bit of studying done before I rode my MC to my grandmothers nursing home. It was her birthday party, and the whole family gathered for a bit of talking and then later dinner. My grandmother doesn’t talk much any more, but when I got there she said something along the lines of “Du ser ud som om du har det godt.” I didn’t give it much thought at the moment, but come to think of it she might be right. I do actually (and have for the last couple of weeks) been feeling quite good. Not that I don’t have a huge workload at school, and there are 1000 things that should have my attention, but doesn’t, but all in all I do feel good!
Anyway, I left dinner early to go see the Matematiker Revy at school. It was great fun. You had to have a background in math (or a related study), but the jokes and the atmosphere was wonder full.
Can’t really remember what I did Sunday, but I suspect that I went to the gym to work out with Esben, but I’m not quite sure.

Monday (I have Mondays off these next weeks by the way) was first of May. So during the late afternoon I met up with Esben, Søren H and Rasmus and we went to Fælledparken to enjoy the weather, listen to some music (we never really found the right place I think) and drink a few beers. However we are / were all serious students (some more than others…) so the day ended early

so, today I went to the gym, met up with Esben and Mark at their work, went for some ice cream with Esben, and then walked home from Frederiksberg – was a great walk in the sunshine!
… and now I’m almost running out of excuses for not reading – what should I do about that?


Aktiv? Mig? Nej, vel? Men jo, det har jeg faktisk været lidt. I dag meldte jeg mig ind i et fitness center. Var derude i eftermiddags sammen med Esben og Mark. Bagefter tog vi så også ud og spiste nogle gode burgers og drak nogle øl, lige for at vise at det der helse/fitness ting ikke skulle tage overhånd. Så nu bliver det spændende at se om pengene er givet godt ud, eller om i dag var sidste gang jeg sætter mine ben i det center…

Så lige nu er jeg lidt øm og træt i kroppen.

I sidste weekend var jeg aktivist til SUF‘s landsmøde. Mødet gik vist godt, taget i betragtning at det var nogle ret tunge politiske ting der skulle behandles. Men det mærkede jeg ikke så meget til. Det meste af min tid gik med at slæbe øl kasser, vente og så køre bil og tage kopier lørdag nat. Jeg fik alt for lidt søvn, og kunne da også godt mærke da jeg kom hjem søndag eftermiddag at det nok ville tage lidt tid at komme ovenpå igen – men heldigvis har jeg jo ferie, så det passede jo alt sammen fint.