Jeg kommer desværre til at misse Stella Polaris i år…
Men hvis du er til Chill Out musik og er i Århus på lørdag eller København på søndag, så gør dig selv den tjeneste at kigge forbi!
Billede taget af Thomas Angermann
Jeg kommer desværre til at misse Stella Polaris i år…
Men hvis du er til Chill Out musik og er i Århus på lørdag eller København på søndag, så gør dig selv den tjeneste at kigge forbi!
Billede taget af Thomas Angermann
STELLA POLARIS .:.:..::.:. Danmarks største chill-out event
Jeg har sat X i kalenderen – har du? Søndag d. 3. august 2008 bliver der igen afholdt Stella Ploaris i Østre anlæg, København (og dagen før, lørdag d. 2. i Århus). Det kan klart anbefales!
De har også en MySpace og en Facebook side, hvis man er til den slags.
I have just gotten in the door after spending a few hours at Østre Anlæg, where I was attending Stella Polaris . Rasmus and I had planned to go to the beach, but instead we ended up at Østre Anlæg. Was quite nice just relaxing in the sunshine with chill-out music playing.
The rest of my weekend has been used for consuming quite a lot of alcohol. Most of my Saturday was wasted just laying on the couch with a hangover. I did however do some things that I have been postponing for way to long.
I finally signed up for Erimitageløbet, and I finally put up the two last lamps in the living room.
Before going out for a few beers Saturday night we watched Superman Returns at Imperial. I wasn’t really impressed, but it was more or less what I had expected. Kevin Spacey did a great Lex Luthor, but what surprised me the most was that Louis Lane and Superman had a child together. According to my biology classes that means that they have in fact had sex at some point… or as Thomas pointed out after the movie, maybe Clark Kent had dragged a very drunk Louis Lane into the copy-room during a company party at the Daily Planet. But I guess that is an aspect of their relationship that will never make it to the big screen. Maybe for the best.
If all goes well I should be going running with Rasmus in one hour or so, when it gets cold enough, and I guess that ends a though but fun weekend.