Blog movingday

For quite some time I have wanted to move my blog from my domain.


Getting the new domain ( was quite easy, and I did that long time ago, but getting around the technical stuff took a bit more time. Setting up a new blog was no problem with WordPress. What took me some time (but now that I know how to do it shouldn’t have taken more that a few minutes) was moving all the old posts over through the wordpress export and import tools and setting up a redirect from the old blog.


So, hopefully I have now managed to transfer all the content from the old domain, set up a redirect that catches all old posts. Additionally I have changed the theme of the blog, from the very brightly coloured Greenery theme to the more low key Titan Theme. Hopefully this change won’t represent a general change from less colour full content on the blog, but I felt now might be as good a time as any to make a change.


On a more technical note, although the redirects should take care of any issues, feel free to update any links and change rss feeds from pointing to to All underlying link structure should have been moved along – but if you do notice dead links or other odd behaviour, feel free to let me know.


In case you wonder, this is actually the second time the blog is moving. First time was when I moved from Livejournal to a wordpress install on my own domain.

First post / last post

I have been quite happy with using Livejournal for my blogging so far, but have now decided to give WordPress a try. I have been working with it some time ago, but got away from it again.

Now I have WordPress running at my new web provider and after a lot (to many?) point’n’clicks I got all my old blog entrys transfered. So the new adress for my blog will now be, and this is the last blog entry on my old blog – but the first (real) one at the new one…
I hope WordPress lives up to all the good things I have heard about it.

First post – meta

First post and all that. I feel that, before i go on actually posting what would be “normal” blog content i should take a few lines to explain/justify why i have started blogging, why i have started blogging with Live Journal and what kind of content will be in this blog.

I have wanted to start a blog for quite some time now (months?) and actually had a running blog on my own home computer running WordPress. But even though that gave me a lot of options and freedoms i also gave me lots of problems. The software had to be kept updated, the computer had to be online all the time and so on. So i realized that if i used one of the free blog-sites on the net someone else would have to bother about all that, and i could consentrate on writing. After a (quick) look at some different sites, I picked live journal. It is (currently) witout banner adds, runs on free software and seems “nice”. I did not pick live journal for it’s communitys as that is not really what i’m looking for, but now that it is there it may be a feature i will take advanteage of at some later point in time.

Don’t expect this blog to be much different than so many others. There will proberly be the same rambeling, daily stories and general comments on the world that surrounds me as you can find in any other blog, but it is mine and i will try to get the best out of it. Note also that i do not write this blog for the reader but primarily for my self to give me somewhere public to express my views on things.

Also, as english is my second language, I may from time to time switch to writing danish entries. Time will tell. (And neither in english or in danish will spelling be a primary consern of mine. Live with it – noone is forcing you to read this – hopefully.)