New Years in Sweden

I celebrated new years in Malmö, Sweden this year. Joe (and his brother and girlfriend) had invited some family and friends (I fit into the last category) to eat, drink, dance and all the other new years stuff.
Although most members of the party were danish some of the subtle differences between how Swedes and Danes celebrate new years became very obvious. While we were inside watching Dinner for One just before 12 o clock, the Swedes were outside shooting fireworks. After watching the televised strikes of the town hall clock of Copenhagen we went outside, only to realize that the fireworks display was almost over by then.

I had forgotten about this parody called 80-års fødselsdagen (in danish) and I didn’t get to watch it this year, but today I (re)found it. Thought I would share (and get some video onto this blog). You might like it or not…

Happy new year!


Yesterday evening I went to Malmö, met up with Joe and went to Slagthuset to taste some whiskey at the Smak af Whisky.

I must admit my knowledge of whiskey is limited, and I usually mix it with cheap cola (I know some people might be sitting in front of their monitors, or what ever they use to experience this blog, going “Heresy! Burn Him!”, but I must admit I do). But I got through without revealing my complete lack of knowledge of the subject.

Some of the whiskeys were good (I’m sure they all were, but good to me), and others were a bit to much. Especially a smoked one had a very nice scent, but tasted to much of… well, smoke.

At the end of the evening we went for a local sausage with mashed potatoes, my first ever. It was far from as bad as I expected (but of course not as good as the whiskeys).


Joe havde inviteret til fest i Malmö lørdag aften, og det takkede jeg jo ikke nej til. Så der blev drukket spiritus og så videre i byen – og mit tøj lugter ikke af røg i dag… er der noget med at de har rygeforbud på svenske beværtninger?

Ellers har jeg lige været ude og løbe med Thomas og Rasmus. Det blev lige planlagt i sidste øjeblik, men selvom det regnede var det rigtig godt at komme ud og få bevæget sig og få noget frisk luft.