Is this a police state?

During the last days of rioting here in Copenhagen the danish police has “searched” quite a lot of adresses around the city. It seems they have primarily been looking for people who have participated in the protests against the clearing of Ungdomshuset. The problem is that the police seem to have “forgotten” to bring search warrants.

I understand that the last couple of days have not been ‘buisness as usual’ for the police here in the Danish capitol, but has it really come so far that legal political organisations can have their memberlists searched by police without a warrent?

Sturday the third of March the police searched Folkets Hus (press releas from Folkets Hus, in danish) and Rød Ungdom‘s office (news article from, also in danish).

No particular place to go…

This weekend was an event full one here in Copenhagen. Sunday afternoon a “reclaim the streets” party/demonstration in support of Ungdomshuset (Wikipedia link) ended in 263 arrests, and the media has been full of pictures of flying paving stones and dumpsters set on fire in the streets of Nørrebro.
The police of course claims that the demonstraters could have continued if they had played by the rules. The demonstraters on the other hand claim that the confrontation started by the police driving(!) their vans into the crowd.
At the end of the day, out of the 263 arrests only five people remained in custody.
My guess is that the police was just looking to pick a fight… The day before, Saturday, there was another big peace full demonstration, which I took part in, for Ungdomshuset with about 3,000 demonstrators and it was made clear again and again that all the happenings for Ungdomshuset this weekend (there was also a concert with some rather big names Friday) were to be peace full. The phrase “we choose when and where to fight” came up a couple of times and it was made clear that no one were looking for trouble this weekend…
Besides that, I personally had a great weekend, with some partying and moderate drinking Friday and Saturday night, and a relaxed bike ride with David Sunday afternoon out to Langelinie and up the coast with no particular place to go. We actually just managed to see the big police lineup at Droning Louises Bro before we left the city center.