
So Esben, how did you enjoy the FysikRevyTM?

I found it very entertaining. It lasted for more than three hours, and was packed with different skits, ranging from the more political with critique of the leadership of the faculty and the minister of science to the more absurd where a scientist presents his theory that everything consists of bananas.

As is tradition with the student revues at the faculty of science at KU the audience participated in the show to a great extend, with shouts, cheers and lots of Skål.

All in all a fun evening.

European Beer Festival

I attended the European Beer Festival yesterday and it was great!

I got through a lot of different beers, both from local micro breweries and larger international brands. There was a lot of good beer, but I must admit that I still prefer the blond wheat beers most of all.

The open source beer Free Beer was also present at the festival. I didn’t get to try it out, but I did manage to take this picture.

Yes, it’s blurry and out of focus, but that’s just to match my impression of last night…

Need more Teletubbies!

Yesterday The Flaming Lips played at Tivoli.

Flaming Lips laser show

I saw them last year at the very wet 2007 Roskilde Festival. The smaller stage at Tivoli did set a limit to how many aliens, constructions workers and Teletubbies they were able to bring to the stage, but they did bring quite a show, both for the ears and eyes. Lots of balloons, confetti, lights and more!

After the concert we went for “just one beer” and that beer turned into another one and soon the sun was getting up and Saturday morning was here.

Sol, strand, grill og øl

Når vejret er så godt som det er i øjeblikket kan man godt glemme at vi lever i en verden med web 2.0 – så her er en video af nogle pølser pakket ind i bacon (de smagte godt efter en tur på grillen!)

og et link til nogle billeder fra en tur på Heidi’s Bierbar:


L.O.C. i Tivoli

Før hvad der viste sig at blive en længere bytur, der kom omkring et utal af barer i det Københavnske natteliv, var jeg inde og se L.O.C. spille til fredags rock. Han havde godt fat i publikum og fik fyret masser af røg og lys af på scenen… Hvor jeg stod var det dog lidt svært at høre vokalen, hvilket jo mildest talt er surt når det nu er rap loc gør sig i. Men alt i alt en fin koncertoplevelse.

This doesn’t look good…

I went looking for some quality beer (among other things) yesterday. I went to what has properly been my favorite store in all of Copenhagen, BarleyWine, in Læderstræde.

But shock, what met my eye? The store seemed closed! A green plastic cover filled the windows from the inside. No sign in the window or otherwise indication as to why the store was not open – or when (or if!) it might open again.

I’m crossing my fingers that they are just closed for the holidays and will open again soon. Their website is still working (although it says last update was 22.11.07) so I guess that is the last straw of hope that I will hold on to.

Oh, and not to worry, I found beer and did get drunk (in the company of, among others, Søren) through other means.