Se could not even recognise me – at first

I went to visit my grandmother today. I must admit that I don’t visit her to often – but today when I showed up she could not recognise me. However, after a little while she did, and we could talk for a while. Unfortunately my grandmothers hearing is getting very bad, so I had to talk very loud, and I don’t think she understood all the details of what I told her – but she did understand that I have gotten a job since we last talked and that I’m soon going to Japan.

Talking of Japan, I have finally exchanged some money (so I’m now carrying around several thousands of yen – I feel so wealthy with all those zeroes printed on the notes). I have also added a small app at the top of my pc screen showing what the weather is like in Tokyo – 21 degree Celsius is what it tells me right now. A little bit better than the 12 degrees here.

Som lovet…

Som lovet her er her en video:

… ellers har jeg ‘indlet’ MC sæsonen i dag. Jeg hentede min MC i mandags, men kørte den kun hjem, så det gælder vist ikke som en rigtig tur. Men i dag tog jeg en længere tur op til min mormor. Vejret var ikke helt perfekt, men det er jo tidligt på foråret og det føles godt at gøre min del for den globale opvarmning ved at brænde noget benzin af!

Made it, just in time…

For a few moments there, I thought I might be running just a tad bit late. My father is having his birthday celebration today, and I must admit I only just finished his present. I still need to take a shower, find some festive clothes and catch the train. But that should be possible to do – I do have about two hours before the train leaves.

So tonight is going to be spend with the family and my fathers friends. Hopefully it is going to be a fun evening for all. Time will tell I guess.

Weee, rush hour

I went to visit my grandmother today, and after visiting her drove north to visit my father. On the freeway I ran into the rush hour – how people can go through that every day is beyon me.

My father and I planed out roughly where we are going on our trip, booked a few hotels and figured out a bit about the packing. I’m actually starting to realise that we are leaving soon… I think it will be great fun!

On the way home I drow down Strandvejen just taking it slow and watching the scenery.

Tuesday Thomas and I went to Havnebadet, and even though the weatherpeople had promised rainshowers and we did feel a few drips as we biked through Nørrebro, the weather was great when we got there. All sunshine from a clear sky! So we got a bit of sun and a few swimming strokes.