Pictures and movies from Tokyo

I might as well come to terms with it sooner than later: I’m not going to get the time to write a long and detailed day-to-day description of what Esben and I saw and experienced in Tokyo.

So I will just post links to Esben’s and my pictures at Picasa., and then include a few videos. First from the party at the start of my stay in Tokyo:

and then me running around like a little kid at the Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation at Odaiba:

Oh, and then election is coming here in Denmark on November 13, so I guess I have to get out in some way or another to promote my favorite left-wing party: Enhedslisten.


Seven degrees is cold – especially after spending the last ten days in Tokyo at around 20 degrees. But that was what greeted me when I arrived at the airport and on the walk home from the metro station.

But I think I will be heading towards my bed very soon now – I have been up for around 26 hours (or something like that) with no sleep.

I will post pictures (taken with my new camera) and tell tall tales as soon as I have the time. Promise!

If you really can’t wait, maybe you can see what Esben has to say here, here and possibly here.

Næsten klar til at tage afsted…

Nu mangler jeg bare at forberede et enkelt moduls undervisning til i morgen – så kan jeg (næsten) holde fri for i aften.

I morgen skal jeg så op og afholde det modul, have nogle samtaler med nogle grupper der skal have opgaver tilbage (med en udtalelse og karakter) – og når det er slut så skal jeg i gang med alle de små praktiske ting jeg skal nå inden jeg flyver torsdag! Crazy monkey!

Se could not even recognise me – at first

I went to visit my grandmother today. I must admit that I don’t visit her to often – but today when I showed up she could not recognise me. However, after a little while she did, and we could talk for a while. Unfortunately my grandmothers hearing is getting very bad, so I had to talk very loud, and I don’t think she understood all the details of what I told her – but she did understand that I have gotten a job since we last talked and that I’m soon going to Japan.

Talking of Japan, I have finally exchanged some money (so I’m now carrying around several thousands of yen – I feel so wealthy with all those zeroes printed on the notes). I have also added a small app at the top of my pc screen showing what the weather is like in Tokyo – 21 degree Celsius is what it tells me right now. A little bit better than the 12 degrees here.