Where did this snow come from?

So, we just finished an October that has been the warmest in many years, hit November first, and then, Bam! Snow. And not the big fluffy snowflakes, that land ever so soft and gently, making a white blanket everywhere. Nope, the kind that are almost rain, but just to add pain and cold have chosen to turn a bit white and frozen and turn to water when they hit the ground. The kind that, with the strong wind we are also having today, combine to just bring pain and cold to anyone foolish enough to venture outside.

So, naturally, today was the day I choose to bring my MC to the shop for 12,000 km check-up and storage for the winter. The trip there was not so bad, although cold. Walking back was the really cold and nasty part. But I finally got home. So now I have 4 months without my MC. Not that I’m going to miss it over the winter. MC riding is really more of a spring/summer kind of thing – at least with danish weather.

Now I think I’ll grep some lunch, read a bit (exam coming up Friday…), and then I actually have to get outside again later. I have to go donate blood at the hospital at four o’clock. If it wasn’t for the weather I might actually look forward to that, but now it’s just something that has be done with.


So, it’s snowing here. I thought spring was right around the cornor, but I guess I was wrong…

Been a while since I last “bloged”. I have been ill, have missed a couple of classes, and have decided to skip my physics course for now. So now I will be consentrating on my functional analysis course.
I have also unofficialy been told that I have passede my bachelors project, but that the official message is still stuck somewhere in university bureaucracy. That’s good, I guess. I had however thought I would be more thrilled by that message. Maby my sore throat etc. took the happiness out of it?

Oh look, snow!

It has started snowing here within the last hour or so. To bad for the kids that they did not get a “white christmas” but hopefully this will make up for that. I’m proberly going to stay inside all day writing anyway, so I really don’t care.

Christmas went fine – all things considered. The food was great, the company was “hyggeligt” and now there is a whole year, before I have to go through the whole thing again.

… well, back to my paper.

Winter – like it or not

So, it has started snowing for the first time here this winter. And as I sat in my fathers car watching Frederiksberg pass by outside, with the christmas decorations showing up over the road, and in some stores, it hit me – if winter is comming, so is christmas. Like it or not. It’s not like I didn’t know, or that it should surprise me, it’s just… Blah, I don’t really want to go through it all again one more year.

But I guess there is only one way through the darkness, and after christmas, the days will start getting longer…