Så gik der igen lang tid siden jeg ‘bloggede’ sidst.

Jeg var på gaden (sammen med 50.000 – 120.000 andre) d. 17 maj for at protestere mod regeringens planer om nedsækringer og foringelser at store dele af velfærdssamfundet. Ville egentlig sætte nogle billeder af gøgl, politi, talere osv. ind her, men jeg fik ikke lige taget nogen. Der er sikkert mange andre billeder hvis man søger lidt rundt på nettet.

I dag har jeg været med esben ude og træne, og så sider jeg og skal lige til at gå igang med at begynde på min java aflevering til næste uge.

Pigen har en lampe i sin gummistøvle…

Jeg er lige kommet hjem fra Fri-Hash demo. Demoen var ikke slut (og der var vist fest på Christiania i aften), men jeg smuttede hjem nu. Det var en stille og hygelig demo, masser af sjov tobak (som jeg ikke røg noget af pga. min hals/lunger – øv) og med god stemning.
Jeg kunne sikkert skrive en masse om holdninger osv., men jeg er lidt træt nu (var med Eesben ude og træne omkring middag) og håber lidt på at kunne sove lige en time eller to, før jeg skal til Hawaii party i aften.


Where did all this great weather come from? It has been like a genuine summer day today! I don’t have any school on Thursdays, so I have had the entire day off. I do have a lot of reading to do however… will get that started real soon now.

Anyway, last weekend went by way to fast. Friday was heavy drinking day! I started out by meeting Sarah and some of her friends (and friends of friends) at Nørreport where we went for a quick beer at Heidi’s Bier Bar. I only stayed for half an hour or so, then I said goodbye and went to meet Esben at Strawinsky. We met up at Gothersgade, and went in. Esben wasn’t drinking any alcohol for the entire night, so I had to do the drinking for the both of us, and I think I did a fair job! Later on more people showed up, there was drinking, dancing, shouting and fooseball. All in all it was a great night with nice company!
Night turned into morning, the club closed and after I a quick tuna fish sandwich I walked home in the light of dawn.

Next day, Saturday, I for some strange reason woke up around 10 am, and could not sleep any more. So I got a bit of studying done before I rode my MC to my grandmothers nursing home. It was her birthday party, and the whole family gathered for a bit of talking and then later dinner. My grandmother doesn’t talk much any more, but when I got there she said something along the lines of “Du ser ud som om du har det godt.” I didn’t give it much thought at the moment, but come to think of it she might be right. I do actually (and have for the last couple of weeks) been feeling quite good. Not that I don’t have a huge workload at school, and there are 1000 things that should have my attention, but doesn’t, but all in all I do feel good!
Anyway, I left dinner early to go see the Matematiker Revy at school. It was great fun. You had to have a background in math (or a related study), but the jokes and the atmosphere was wonder full.
Can’t really remember what I did Sunday, but I suspect that I went to the gym to work out with Esben, but I’m not quite sure.

Monday (I have Mondays off these next weeks by the way) was first of May. So during the late afternoon I met up with Esben, Søren H and Rasmus and we went to Fælledparken to enjoy the weather, listen to some music (we never really found the right place I think) and drink a few beers. However we are / were all serious students (some more than others…) so the day ended early

so, today I went to the gym, met up with Esben and Mark at their work, went for some ice cream with Esben, and then walked home from Frederiksberg – was a great walk in the sunshine!
… and now I’m almost running out of excuses for not reading – what should I do about that?

They talk the talk…

Everyone who has a opinion about the future of our society (especially almost every member of the parliament, business leaders etc.) here in Denmark keep saying (among other things) that we need more young people to study science. They may or may not be right, I can’t see into the future, so I can’t tell, but if they really feel that is the way to go, they should put their money where their mouth is!
I went with my flatmate Esben to the gym Saturday, and then went to see his “office” at the CBS. I know a direct comparison between the CBS and my school, the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at University of Copenhagen is not possible. The CBS has a lot more students, is financed in a quite different way etc., but when I saw the leather bound hand railings, student group room after student group room with new furniture, flat screen TVs I could not help but thinking, “where do these money come from?”.

I’m not as such jealous or have a grudge at the CBS students (or any other students for that matter) and it’s not that I don’t enjoy the physical surroundings at my school. But to some extend I’m sure the physical surroundings do play a big part in the joy and quality of learning… so why are we at the faculty of science not walking around in futuristic hi-tech architectonic wonders, with great acoustics, lots of group studies rooms etc. when others are? Am I just whining like a little kid here, or is it that a lot of people have a lot of great words about science students and what should be done for them, but don’t really want to follow the golden words with cold hard cash? I begin to suspect the later…

That being said, spring has really hit Copenhagen. Saturday was a great day for being outside, and the evening was even warm enough for casual’ish cloths. Sunday I got a phone call from David. He has gotten his own MC finally, so we met up, and drove to Langelinie and then a short trip north along the cost, before our paths split, David driving home, and me going to my uncle for dinner.


Aktiv? Mig? Nej, vel? Men jo, det har jeg faktisk været lidt. I dag meldte jeg mig ind i et fitness center. Var derude i eftermiddags sammen med Esben og Mark. Bagefter tog vi så også ud og spiste nogle gode burgers og drak nogle øl, lige for at vise at det der helse/fitness ting ikke skulle tage overhånd. Så nu bliver det spændende at se om pengene er givet godt ud, eller om i dag var sidste gang jeg sætter mine ben i det center…

Så lige nu er jeg lidt øm og træt i kroppen.

I sidste weekend var jeg aktivist til SUF‘s landsmøde. Mødet gik vist godt, taget i betragtning at det var nogle ret tunge politiske ting der skulle behandles. Men det mærkede jeg ikke så meget til. Det meste af min tid gik med at slæbe øl kasser, vente og så køre bil og tage kopier lørdag nat. Jeg fik alt for lidt søvn, og kunne da også godt mærke da jeg kom hjem søndag eftermiddag at det nok ville tage lidt tid at komme ovenpå igen – men heldigvis har jeg jo ferie, så det passede jo alt sammen fint.


Tuesday I was at Kongens Nytorv in front of the French embassy for a demonstration of solidarity with the young people in France. The young people, students etc. in France are upset about the proposed CPE law. Even though the weather was nice, the turnout was not as great as it could have been.

My course in functional analysis is almost over, and after the exam Monday (which is not quite an exam but a “conversation” or something similar), I have quite a few days off. Can’t wait for holidays!


Det er fredag eftermiddag/aften, og jeg sider og er forkølet. Gider bare ikke være syg! Der er meget (for meget og for svært?) at læse/regne til skolen og jeg …. NEJ. Dette skal ikke være et blog-indlæg med “øv bøv, jeg har det skidt”.

Det skal dog være et indlæg med lidt forskellige nyheder, som man måske ikke lige støder på hvis man har “mainstream” danske medier som sine primære/eneste nyhedskilder.

  • For noget tid siden var der en nati-nazistisk demonstration i Hillerød. Her kan du læse om politiets behandling af deltagerne i demonstrationen:
    http://www.indymedia.dk/newswire.php?story_id=361Specielt syntes jeg denne komentar er så langt ude at det ikke er til at vide om man skal grine eller græde…

    Jo det virkede som om de bare anholdt alle i sort tøj….
    Men en af mine venner er sådan hippie/lidt plipper agtig, bestemt ikke i sort tøj, blev anholdt for at sidde på en taske og snave med en pige…. fuldstændig fucked…. Og det var inden at demoen blev splittet op….

  • http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Indland/2006/02/24/172946.htm Den nyhed er vist kommet ud til de fleste, men hvis man vil se hvilken tekst det drejer sig om, som altså anses for at være i modstrid med terror lovgivningen, så kan man f.eks. kigge her:

Det var vist alt jeg kunne finde frem lige nu.


I went to the Dansih Social Forum over the weekend. Friday I went to hear Tina Garnanez, a US vetran from Iraq, talk about her experiences in Iraq and comming home from Iraq. She told some really horrible stories from the war down there. It was a bit strange thinking that someone at my age could have been through the things she talked about. And many of the soldiers (not to talk about the people of Iraq) are even younger.

She was a medic in the army so she had some really horrifying experiences to talk about – mostly involving US-soldiers. I won’t try to repeat any of them here – I would not be able to present them in any way that would do them justice, but hearing her tell about it made a very big impression on me.
She is now done with the army, but has not come out of Iraq without loss. She has not had any physical wounds or hurts while in Iraq – she has all her arms, legs etc. But she told that she does now suffer from ptsd. So she has nightmares and trouble consentrating, among other things.
Besides the personal stories about the war and what it has done to her, she also told us about the anti-war movement in the US (or the pro-peace movement, as she liked to call it), the army recruitment methods and the media coverage. Some of the things she talked about did not come as a surprise to me, but some of it really did surprise me.
It would seem that quite a lot of the US veterans from Iraq are against the war and occupation when they come home, but it is not really a message that the main-stream media in the US likes to cower. Nothing new there, but still interesting to hear from someone a bit more envolved with these things.

Unfortunatly for me I overslept, so I missed some of the other things I would have liked to have seen at the forum saturday.

So tired…

My blog-entry-writing-client keeps crashing, so I will keep it short, and hope I get to write just a few lines. I’m down with a cold, just passing time, untill classes start at the 6. of February.

I finished my project, it can be seen over here: http://www.math.ku.dk/~m01sbc/opgave/

If I feel better by friday, I also hope to go see the Danmarks Sociale Forum.

Overfald og projekt

I går – tirsdag aftes – var der åbenbart et voldeligt overfald i Århus på lokale antiracister. Sygt!

Se mere her: http://www.modkraft.dk/article.php?sid=3733

Af mere fredelige nyheder kan jeg fortælle at jeg var hos min vejleder i går, og vi blev enige om et udkast til en problemformulering for mit projekt. Det kan jo nå at ændre sig, men ellers er det bare at komme igang med at skrive. Jeg skal aflevere opgaven i slutningen af januar og det skal være på ca. 30 sider, så hvis jeg skriver 2 sider om dagen passer det nok meget godt med at der sikkert bliver en masse uproduktive dage omkring jul/nytår (og weekender og druk og dovenskab og …)