Must … participate … in … democratic … process

Eller, jeg har faktisk deltaget i den demokratisk process. Jeg var nemlig nede og brevstemme i går, fredag. Det gik ret let og smertefrit. Da jeg gik ud fra valgstedet blev jeg dog et kort øjeblik i tvivl om jeg havde stemt rigtigt. Jeg så nemlig et opslag over valgforbundne. Udover det skræmmende at Venstre og Dansk Folkeparti er i valgforbund (så en stemme på Søren Pind faktisk kan være en stemme på Louise Frevert – så skal man altså være meget fan af Søren Pind for at kunne få sig selv til det…), så så jeg at en masse af de små partier og lister var i valgforbund med SF og Enhedslisten. Så jeg tænkte, det kunne måske have været lidt sjovt at have stemt på Kærlighedspartiet eller Cykel Logisk Institut. Men sådan skulle det ikke gå – og det er nok også meget godt.

Jeg brevstemte fordi jeg skal være tilforordnet på selve valgdagen, og ikke samme sted som jeg skulle stemme, så for at slippe for at skulle løbe gennem byen på selve dagen er det en god ide at have stemt inden, så det gjorde jeg.

Så har jeg også fået mine billeder fra Thailand fremkaldt og dem regner jeg med at scanne ind og uploade snarest, så hold øje med
Ellers er det jo langt tid siden jeg har “blogget”, og der er sikkert sket en milliard ting som kunne have sin plads her, men jeg tror jeg stopper nu – nogle gange kan det jo betale sig at splitte sine indlæg lidt op – så ser det ud som om man skriver mere/oftere. Stay tuned.

Fun two day ahead…

I just saw one of the cars the police use for transporting several cops in riot gear running at high speed and lights flashing down Gothersgade. I can only guess where they are going, but my guess is that it is not the last cop car i’m gong to see in the next two days. The american president is coming to Copenhagen – unfortunately. I would rather have seen him stay at home. But now that he is comming i’m going to show my unhappiness with his politics by joining the big demonstration against him tomorow around two o’clock. This afternoon (in 2 hours or so) i will be going to a concert in Fælledparken for “MakePovertyHistory”.

So, let’s see in two days how many normal danish citicens have had their day ruined by the presidents visit… Hopefully that is all that will go wrong – I fear that the police will be cracking down in a nasty violent manner on the demonstrators. Hopefully that will not happen – time will tell.


The no vote in the Netherlands yesterday confirmed again that the new proposed constitution does not have a public backing.

Also, here in Denmark the public support for the treaty is dropping, acording to this. Let’s see if we are even going to have a referendum here, with all that is going on. Ohh well, nothing i can do regarding that now anyway. Back to studying.

(Also, i have been trying out some different layouts of this blog. I’m not yet quite happy with the current one, but let’s see if it grows on me.)

Barsebäck – finally shut down.

Finally reactor two of the Barsebäck nuclear plant was shut down, and so the plant has finally stoped running. Ofcourse the halt of all the reactors will not make the nuclear waste vanish as by magic, but it will halt the production, and more importantly for me (and others living in copenhagen) remove the threath to the city. As Barsebäck is located less than 30 km from copenhagen, in the event of a disaster who knows what could happen.

I could go on by how this in no way ends the threath to copenhagen (or any other city) by nuclear plants located all over, or that the problems regarding nuclear waste are as real as ever, but right now i will just be happy with the close down of one plant.

… and now, it’s back to studying for me. I have exams starting in two weeks and i have a lot of reading to do.


Yesterday, the french voted no to the proposed new eu constitution. I am pleased with this and hope that this will put an end to it.
There has been a lot of talk of why the french woted as they did, and a lot of people have tried to explain the result and tried to conclude that the french did not know what they were voting about. Shows what these people think of democracy…

Anyway, late sunday evening i was down in front of the french embasy in copenhagen where there was speaches, dancing and general meriment. Parts of the danish “no movenment” and the danish left wanted to manifest that the french are not the only ones opposed to the new treatie, but that the opposition is international (or, atleast, spread out over all of europe).

(I’m trying out a program called LogJam for this entry, so let’s see how it works out.)