Satyr Revy!

Så har jeg været i Paris! Vejret var jo lidt koldere end da jeg var i byen i sommer. Heldigvis holdt det tørt næsten begge dagene så vi slap med gråvejr som det kan ses.

Jeg har ikke fået taget så mange billeder, men dem det blev til kan ses her:

Paris – 2007 November

I går var jeg til Satyr revy (sammenslutning af revyer på naturvidenskab på KU), bl.a. sammen med Søren. Det var altså ‘best of’ BioKem Revy, DIKU Revy, FysikRevy™ og MatematikRevy. Så der var både glade gensyn og for mig nye numre imellem. Jeg fik for første gang set filmen med Kaptajn DIKU og Doktor Fysik – en film jeg har hørt positivt omtalt mange gange af diverse datalogi studerende og den levede selvfølgelig op til sit ry.
Efter revyen blev der drukket nogle øl og drinks forskellige steder… og nu sidder jeg og er lige så stille ved at komme op i gear efter at være vågnet op med en del tømmermænd.

So, what did I actually see and do in Paris?

I saw a lot of the sights, I got a taste for wine (who would have thought that all it took was 6 days in Paris?), I went drinking near the Place de la Bastille,

saw a lot of the sights and drank absinthe (made the right way – with sugar, fire and water) in a bar. I could not find my way back to the bar again – and even if I could, I was sworn that I would never reveal its location. But if you ever find your self sitting on a bed turned sofa in the backroom of a bar in the Montmatre area and see this lamp, you’re in the right place!

I saw the sun set over the Montmatre, the Notre Dame

and the huge garden park and lake of the Versailles.

I managed to climb the steps all the way up to the Sacré-Cæur

and walked for several hours inside the Louvre.

More pictures here, and a quick thanks goes to Esben for lending me his camera.

Back from Paris – safe and sound

I’m back from quite a trip. I do kind of feel like I just fell from the moon – which is wired, as there really is no time difference or anything like that from here to Paris.

The trip home went fine (besides from a bit rough take off from Paris – had the pilot looked to deep in the red wine bottle?).
Funny thing though. I flew home over Amsterdam (to get the cheapest tickets). From Paris to Amsterdam I flew with Air France, from Amsterdam to Copenhagen with KLM. In the Air France flight (and also on the Air France flight that took me out from Copenhagen to Paris) the row numbers and seat letters where ‘hidden’ under the sealing so I had to bend my knees and neck to make them out – while in the KLM flight they were right in sight for a tall(ish) guy like me.
Actually a bit like the metro system in Paris. There I also had to bend in the knees and tilde my head to make out the stations from inside the metro train when standing (no, I did not learn the entire metro system by heart in the 6 days I was there). So, are the french just lower than the Dutch (and Danish) or is that just the way things have always been, so there should be no need to change? Guess I will never know…

When I get an overview of some of the pictures I have take I will put a few of them up for all to see somewhere. It just seems like the internet needs more touristy and ‘out of focus’ pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Maybe I will also write a few words of what I actually did and saw in Paris… stay tuned.