Math it is!

I had to choose between doing my masters (I think it is called masters, the danis term is “kandidat”), in either physics or math. After a hasty reading of what the two contain, I choose math – and have signed up for courses for the commin spring. I thought that I would be able to spend more time (and points) on courses of my choice, but there will still be 30 ETCS points that I can use how ever I choose – and they will proberly be used for physics courses. I have already signed up for a quantum field theory course. I think it is a very theoretical course, and it will be hard, but I hope to be able to pass it.

I did think I would have more time to make the final decision on this, but it turned out I had to choose courses before the 10. of December, not leaving much time. But I think (and hope) it is the right choice I have made.

I’m off to get some fresh air, and then maby some late dinner.


It has been a long time since I last wrote here and I’m having a hard time getting my thoughts togehter. It has also been a long time sicne I last wrote in my diary – which might be a factor in my mental situation. So many things should have my attention, and at the end of the day quite a lot of those things seem… meaningless or not really important in the big picture. What I really need is to clear my mind and get a grip I think. Or loos grip and just see where the whirlwind that is life takes me? But enough of my rambeling pocket-philosophy.

Thursday I was at “julestue” at my old school, met some of my old class mates, some of my old teachers, etc. A few of us ended up getting some beer and went towards the city. We ended up at Sams Bar (of all places!) after having been by Postpuben in Lyngby, Out of Juice and Moose.

I have finally started writing on my bachelor project. So far I have written very little, and most of it is notes and thoughts, more than actual readable content. But when I get a little more done, and it starts looking a bit more… ready, I will start distributing it far and wide in the hope than some more eyes than mine can catch all the spelling mistakes, etc. The project has to be 30 pages so right now I just want to get somthing down on paper (or tex as it is), but since the topics I have to touch on are rather wide, limiting myself and picking out the important parts (and leaving out the trivial) will proberly become a challenge later. Anyway, I have to be done by the 27. of January 2006 – so wish me luck.

Overfald og projekt

I går – tirsdag aftes – var der åbenbart et voldeligt overfald i Århus på lokale antiracister. Sygt!

Se mere her:

Af mere fredelige nyheder kan jeg fortælle at jeg var hos min vejleder i går, og vi blev enige om et udkast til en problemformulering for mit projekt. Det kan jo nå at ændre sig, men ellers er det bare at komme igang med at skrive. Jeg skal aflevere opgaven i slutningen af januar og det skal være på ca. 30 sider, så hvis jeg skriver 2 sider om dagen passer det nok meget godt med at der sikkert bliver en masse uproduktive dage omkring jul/nytår (og weekender og druk og dovenskab og …)


The weather here is still great, the water hot and my math book as exciting as ever.

I went to see a tailor today (after getting some quick fashion advice from back home – thanks Mark), so it would seem that I will be leaving Samui with 2 new suites.
On the way home along the beach I saw a elephant – the pictures are not great, but they are over here somewhere: .
Else, I don’t think I have anything interesting to tell – still alive, doing well and enjoying life.

Doing somthing, could do more.

It’s now much to late, and I should be sleeping by now. But no, I’m just wasting time surfign the net. So I might as well blog a bit.

I have done no reading (serious math reading that is) today. That’s bad.
I have written a letter to a girl. That’s good.
I have already messed up a bad attempt at doing a old Simpsons joke over – That’s bad.
I have written a list of things I still have to do before I go to Thailand… Can I go to sleep now?


So, today when i woke up i called my doctor. I was not feeling teribly ill, but had a bit of a sore throat, and with the whole thing Mark went through in New York i would rather check one time to many. So i got a appointment, and it turned out to be just a virus, so no need to worry to much about that.

Later i went to dnlb to pick up one more book for my Bachelors project. I also went down to talk to my advisor on the project. He gave me a quick introduction to the subject of the project and advised me on some reading. So now i just need to start reading…

Det sker bare ikke, Lars Krimi!

Det var tordenvejr her for en time eller to siden, og både kabel-tv signalet og strømmen til vaskekælderen er forsvundet. Så der er ingen aflappende tv eller rent tøj før min skriftlige eksamen i morgen eftermiddag.

Nåh, så er det jo heller ikke værre – der er stadig et par rene underdrenge i min skuffe… og det værste der kan ske til eksamen i morgen er at jeg dumper – right?

One down, four to go

So, today i passed the first of my exams for this semester today. It was a 30 min oral exam in the history of mathematics – and i drew the topic “mathematics in the 17. century”.
All in all it is nice to have passed the first exam. I don’t have much time for enjoying the moment though. I will be handed my next exam over this friday, and then i will have 24 hours to work on it. Oh joy!

Barsebäck – finally shut down.

Finally reactor two of the Barsebäck nuclear plant was shut down, and so the plant has finally stoped running. Ofcourse the halt of all the reactors will not make the nuclear waste vanish as by magic, but it will halt the production, and more importantly for me (and others living in copenhagen) remove the threath to the city. As Barsebäck is located less than 30 km from copenhagen, in the event of a disaster who knows what could happen.

I could go on by how this in no way ends the threath to copenhagen (or any other city) by nuclear plants located all over, or that the problems regarding nuclear waste are as real as ever, but right now i will just be happy with the close down of one plant.

… and now, it’s back to studying for me. I have exams starting in two weeks and i have a lot of reading to do.