Ubuntu Global Jam i København

I denne weekend afholder vi Ubuntu Global Jam på Frederiksberg.


Vi har fået lov til at låne lokaler hos DitLab på CBS og Jammer fra 13-16 både lørdag og søndag.

Der er mulighed for mange forskellige typer aktiviteter fra bug-arbejde og oversættelse, til support og planlægning af kommende aktiviteter. Måske kan vi få startet det praktiske arbejde, så vi kan få en ordentlig 14.04 Release Party i år?
Det er også muligt at komme forbi og se den kommende Ubuntu 14.04 i aktion, eller så support til dit eksisterende Ubuntu system.
Hvilke aktiviteter vi konkret giver os ud i afhænger selvfølgelig af de fremmødte.

Det er på ingen måde et krav at være tilstede hele dagen, det er helt fint at droppe ind i løbet af dagen.

Adressen er
Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg

Se Facebook-begivenheden eller LoCo-portal for yderligere info.

Ubuntu i Danmark (del 4 af 5)

Her fortsætter historiefortællingen om ubuntu-dk. Første del kan læses her og forrige afsnit kan findes her.

Ubuntu Live! i København 1. november 2008
Med ca. 70+ besøgende er Ubuntu Live! i København i anledning af Ubuntu 8.10 nok den til dato største begivenhed vi har fået stablet på benene. Ubuntu Live! var det navn vi havde valgt at bruge i stedet for Release Parties.
Vi havde to auditorier på CBS på Frederiksberg. I det ene var der install hjælp hele dagen og det andet var der oplæg om Ubuntu, Open Source og andre relaterede emner.

Efterfølgende var der selvfølgelig også pizza og øl, for de enkelte der blev til det sidste.

Open source-software i det offentlige
Torsdag d. 19 marts 2009 inviterede Videnscenter for Software til konference om Open Source software i det offentlige.


Vi var med med en community bod, som vi delte med Mozilla Danmark og OpenOffice. Specielt Michaels eee top var et hit, og mange skulle liiige hen og røre og se hvad den kunne.

Ubuntu Live! i Aalborg
25. april 2009 fejrede vi udgivelsen af Ubuntu 9.04 i Aalborg, på Aalborg Uni.

Der kom ikke helt så mange mennesker som til det tidligere Ubuntu Live! arrangement, men da Nordjylland (uden at træde nogen over tæerne) er lidt mere… afsides end Århus eller København, syntes jeg faktisk fremmødet var rigtig pænt, og det var hyggeligt at mødes med folk og få en øl og et slice pizza sidst på dagen.


Følg med i morgen, hvor jeg poster 5. og sidste del af historien.

Getting ready to celebrate the Ibex

With the help of SSLUG the Danish Team now has a place to celebrate the coming release of Ubuntu 8.10 – Intrepid Ibex.

For the Hardy release ØJLUG helped us get a location in Århus. This time the release party will take place in Copenhagen, at the CBS (Copenhagen Business School).

If you are in (or near) Copenhagen on the first of November feel free to drop by – more info will follow here or at the wiki. If Copenhagen is to far contact your local LUG or LoCo team and see if they have something planned. If not, get something organised and post it here!

PS. It’s on!

Naomi Klein at CBS

I saw Naomi Klein talk about her latest book, The Shock Doctrine today.

Naomi Klein

Her focus during the talk today was mostly on recent events in South America, Iraq and Sri Lanka and not so much on the historical background.

The auditorium at the Copenhagen Business School was completely packed and given the limited time for general questions and comments at the end of the talk I found it strange that relatively long time was used for introduction and promotion of the specific institute that had managed to get Naomi Klein to stop by the CBS and give her talk.

I haven’t yet had the pleasure to actually read any of her books, but I did find the talk she gave today very interesting – although a bit scary. But I guess it is better to be informed and scared than live on in the bliss of ignorance – if you are informed you are harder to bring into shock.

They talk the talk…

Everyone who has a opinion about the future of our society (especially almost every member of the parliament, business leaders etc.) here in Denmark keep saying (among other things) that we need more young people to study science. They may or may not be right, I can’t see into the future, so I can’t tell, but if they really feel that is the way to go, they should put their money where their mouth is!
I went with my flatmate Esben to the gym Saturday, and then went to see his “office” at the CBS. I know a direct comparison between the CBS and my school, the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at University of Copenhagen is not possible. The CBS has a lot more students, is financed in a quite different way etc., but when I saw the leather bound hand railings, student group room after student group room with new furniture, flat screen TVs I could not help but thinking, “where do these money come from?”.

I’m not as such jealous or have a grudge at the CBS students (or any other students for that matter) and it’s not that I don’t enjoy the physical surroundings at my school. But to some extend I’m sure the physical surroundings do play a big part in the joy and quality of learning… so why are we at the faculty of science not walking around in futuristic hi-tech architectonic wonders, with great acoustics, lots of group studies rooms etc. when others are? Am I just whining like a little kid here, or is it that a lot of people have a lot of great words about science students and what should be done for them, but don’t really want to follow the golden words with cold hard cash? I begin to suspect the later…

That being said, spring has really hit Copenhagen. Saturday was a great day for being outside, and the evening was even warm enough for casual’ish cloths. Sunday I got a phone call from David. He has gotten his own MC finally, so we met up, and drove to Langelinie and then a short trip north along the cost, before our paths split, David driving home, and me going to my uncle for dinner.