How to mirror your blog onto Freenet

I received an email a few days ago asking how I manage to mirror this blog onto Freenet.

For those of you out there who don’t know about Freenet, it is a computer program that aims to provide anonymity for consumers and providers of information, in an effort to secure free speech. The network is decentralized and uses strong encryption to secure anonymity and free speech.

I have been using Freenet, and following its development, on and off over the last couple of years, both because I generally like the idea of free speech and also because I find the technical aspects interesting. The Freenet program is still under heavy development, far from a 1.0 release, and always in need of support. Since I’m not much of a coder I can’t really help The Freenet Project that way, so instead I try to provide something else – content. In other words, I mirror this blog onto Freenet (where a blog is often called a flog).

It is actually quite simple (although a bit time consuming) to insert content into Freenet. Assuming my Freenet node is running, here is what I do:

  1. First I fetch the files locally, using HTTrack (apt install) (I guess wget, puf or similar would work just as well…)
  2. Then I use jSite, to insert onto Freenet.

Quite simple really… If you feel like getting your blog (or other content) on Freenet, I say go for it. If you run into any problems, feel free to contact me.

PS. I’m always looking for friends to connect my Freenet node to, so if you feel like you know and trust me, and that I might now and trust you, feel free to get in touch.

PPS. You can find this blog on Freenet at this key:

Freemail works!

Freemail is a plugin that enables anonymous e-mail messages to be sent over Freenet (so you need to be running freenet in order to use Freemail). You can load the plugin from the plugins menu at your FProxy Homepage. If you ‘visit’ the freemail plugins page you can set up a new account and should then be able to connect to a local mail server at

IMAP, Server: localhost, Port: 3143
SMTP, Server: localhost, Port: 3025

Feel free to freemail me at

or sbc@he3vg5cfinudoscwnnjfozdfne4howktovjuyykkkzdxcu3yiznh4usoom4wkmtjgvee2lczlf7hallzizdeqrdlpjlfmttjkm4w6odugv2fknstk5zukrd6le2xiscdozls2slqhfesyqkrifbucqkf.freemail)

Hello (again) Freenet

A year and a half ago I started mirroring this blog onto Freenet. However at some point I stopped running a node.
Now I’m back to try out the early alpha release. What really got me back was the new open net part, that lets you download the software and connect to the network without the hassle of having to find other nodes to connect to. I know that if you really care about your anonymity you should only connect to people you know and trust. But since none of my friends (that I know of) run freenet, I will settle with this second best solution.
(However, if anyone out there feel they know and trust me, and that I should know and trust them, feel free to contact me with regards to setting up a permanent darknet connection. Do notice that my node will not be online 24/7 though.)

My impression of the network so far is positive. Sites seem to come up quite fast (compared with last time I used freenet) and frost also seems very responsive. Looking forward to the second alpha release which should be coming out soon.

Hurtig opdatering…

Jeg bryder mig ikke om at ‘tvinge’ mig selv til at blogge. På den anden side er det også ved at være mere end bare et par dage siden jeg sidst har skrevet noget her.
Mine nye kurser er startet igen – jeg har nu været igang i en uge, og det er jo meget trygt og hyggeligt. Så ved jeg ihvertfald hvad jeg skal bruge (noget) af min tid på.
Tele2 er også blevet skiftet ud med Fullrate her i lejligheden. Overgangs perioden (5 dage uden internet) var selvfølgelig hård for en net-junkie som mig, men jeg klarede det. Jeg har endnu ikke rigtig haft brug for eller bemærket den forhøjede hastighed, men den skulle være der, og forhåbentlig kan besparelsen på internet og telefoni mærkes på et senere tidspunkt.
Tilgengæld har skiftet af udbyder (og opsætning med en ekstra firewall/modem) givet min freenet node nogle problemer. Den syntes at have svært ved at forbinde til andre. Men det kan være det bare er et konfigurations problem – jeg håber…

New theme

I have been wanting to make this blog look more ‘fresh’ (in lack of a better word) for some time, and after a lot of tweaking I got the Greenery theme working to my liking. What caused me the most trouble was getting the theme working with the tools I use to mirror this blog to freenet, but when I actually started looking at the documentation for said tools everything went smooth.

On a more serious note, I have finally opened my books (which are actually notes) and started reading today – my algebra exam is in a little more than two weeks (Oh joy!) so I guess I can’t postpone it much longer.

Hello Freenet

If you don’t know what freenet is, this post won’t make much sense to you. If you do know, chances are that you are reading this post from freenet.

I have been using freenet for a long time, but haven’t really inserted content before. Some of you may ‘know’ me as sbc in the #freenet irc channel on freenode.

Even though it might not be original content I have chosen to mirror my blog to freenet, as it seems content is the only real thing non-coders can help out with. I’m still trying to figure out if I should use wget instead of httrack, so there might be a few more tweaks coming up. For inserting I’m using PyFCP. I still don’t quite grasp the whole key thing fully yet. Hopefully I will soon. You should be able to reach my blog on freenet at

USK@jBURIYscwTP6akmRCfykvkcVc4bHQQICv75UwuwIh5k,W5gehPmNBoXUDM8Ly35mf~mMOtaJqy00XIar29GfSHg,AQABAAE/Blog/2/and as always on the real net at

freenet stuff

On monday I got some help with some php from my friend Søren H. It was not a lot of fancy things I needed done, but it was more that I could do myself, and since Søren knows quite a bit more php than me it did not take him long to show me the syntax and the functions I needed. Anyway, what I needed done is done (and you can’t really see it directly from the outside), but you can go here: to download freenet (if sourceforge is acting up), or my seednoes.ref file, if the ones you have are old and/or not working for you. (Of course you should go to the official freenet site as your first option and only use the above link in case all else fails.)