Tent? Check!
Rubber boots? Check!
Sleeping bag? Check!
What else do I really need for Roskilde? Guess I will find out in time.
I have gotten a job! It is a one year substitute position at Stenløse Gymnasium og HF. I will be teaching one class of math, one of physics and one of science (naturvidenskabeligt grundforløb).
I see this as a great chance for me to figure out if teaching is really what I want to spend my life doing.
I went to the gymnasium today to pick up the books I am supposed to teach from. So hopefully I will have some time to look through them over the summer.
I plan on leaving for Roskilde tomorrow. The weather is not quite what I had hoped, but I guess it is not a real Roskilde Festival if there is no mud. And it can still clear up for when the music starts Thursday!
Onsdag aften var jeg (efter en lidt kølig MC tur fra København til Vejle) i byen i Vejle med min lokale ‘guide’ og nogle af hans venner.
Der var mere gang i Vejles natteliv end jeg egnetlig havde forventet – men man har jo som Snobbet Københavner Snude lov til at blive glædeligt overrasket over provinsen.
Vi var bl.a. på Den Knæhøje som var en hyggelig lille bar med rigeligt påskebryg på fad.
The world of the morsi: Søren the :)
No, it is not the cover of the Rolling Stone, but I do look very happy in this picture – although a bit pale.
I had a lovely ‘traditional danish lunch’ with some of the other mentors and exchange students yesterday. Lots of great food and drinks.
Besides that I have almost done nothing social over the weekend. I have done a lot of schoolwork (for a change). So all in all I have had a very relaxed and quiet weekend.
Jeg var inde og se noget stand-up på Kulkaféen i går. Det var sådan en sidste øjebliks ting, men jeg er godt nok glad for at jeg kom af sted! Selvom der var alt alt for varmt (vinduerne er skruet fast derinde, så der er ikke noget med frisk luft…!) var det nogle af de ‘rigtig store’ navne.
Carsten Eskelund var vært og han gjorde det (som altid?) super godt. Så optrådte MC. Han var nok den der gjorde det dårligst den aften – størstedelen af hans materiale var genbrug fra et gammelt show.
Så gik Michael Schøt på og lavede et rigtig godt show!
Efter pausen gik Frank Hvam på. Man kunne godt mærke at vi blev brugt som ‘prøve’ publikum til et kommende show som måske ikke var blevet helt slebet i alle kanter, men det var stadig godt!
Endelig sluttede Povl Carstensen af. Det var blevet meeget varmt på det tidspunkt, men han kæmpede sig flot igennem, med sin lidt mere ‘afdæmpede’ stil.
Alt i alt rigtig godt underholdning, faktisk ærgerligt at jeg ikke får smuttet på Kulkaféen noget oftere. Men det kan man jo kun prøve at lave om på… Efter stand-up komikerne stod den på et par øl rundt omkring.
(Og fuck hvor var det i øvrigt koldt i går!)
… og så er jeg vist efterhånden også på vej ud af døren, skal til ESN-Copenhagen Mentor day om 45 minutter…
I have been going through a lot of my old stuff while doing some cleaning and sorting lately, and came across an old X-COM: Terror from the Deep CD. After installing DOSBox
and setting the cycles setting a bit higher that the default, the game performs just like I remember, with full sound support and all.
During the weekend I was at Ølbaren with some friends (and some people from their work). A really nice place – especially, besides all the beers of course, I did enjoy the no-smoking policy.
Yesterday I had some old friends over for sushi, wine, beer and ‘pebernødder’. It had been a long time since we had met last time and it was fun to talk about old times (and more recent events as well).
They also helped me rearrange the furniture in my living room, and so far I’m very happy with the result. I still need to get books back on the shelves of the bookcase and stuff like that, but the furniture is placed both esthetically (in lack of a better word) and practically. My ‘study’ is also coming along nicely and should be ready for use soon.
Today I met with some fellow students and we worked through the last hand in for one of my courses. So now I just have to type it in so it’s ready for handing in at Monday. Being my birthsday tomorrow and with the party and all I don’t plan to do any school stuff Saturday (birthsday and party) or Sunday (hangover).
When I got up from bed this morning and was looking through my closet for clean clothes I could not find any underpants. First I was very confused, both because there were lots of sock at the place where my underpants usually are (can underwear transform itself to socks in 24 hours?), and also I could have sworn that it was not that long ago since I last did laundry, so there should have be plenty. Very strange.
I decided to go for a bath, get my contact lenses on, wake up a bit more and come back for a close look.
Nope, they were still gone when I came back. I looked at some of the other drawers, but no luck.
So, when I got home from school today I found a plastic bag full of underwear in my living room… The plot thickens!
I called up the usual suspect, Esben, who moved to Amager yesterday with the help of Mark and Rasmus. He told me that Mark and Rasmus had pulled the little stunt on me while they were helping Esben move yesterday. So Esben had returned the bag today, when he came to pick up the last things and fix a few other stuff.
… so what I really need now is a evil scheme to get back at them.
I celebrated new years in Malmö, Sweden this year. Joe (and his brother and girlfriend) had invited some family and friends (I fit into the last category) to eat, drink, dance and all the other new years stuff.
Although most members of the party were danish some of the subtle differences between how Swedes and Danes celebrate new years became very obvious. While we were inside watching Dinner for One just before 12 o clock, the Swedes were outside shooting fireworks. After watching the televised strikes of the town hall clock of Copenhagen we went outside, only to realize that the fireworks display was almost over by then.
I had forgotten about this parody called 80-års fødselsdagen (in danish) and I didn’t get to watch it this year, but today I (re)found it. Thought I would share (and get some video onto this blog). You might like it or not…
Happy new year!