
Med min nye telefon følger også indbygget GPS. Med GPS følger muligheden for at tage på skattejagt eller geocaching. Ideen er simpel – små skatte er skjult rundt omkring i verden, men deres længde og brede grader er kendte. Så med en gps er det lige til at gå ud på jagt…
Profile for soerenc
I går var jeg så på første tur, sammen med Esben, og vi fandt 6 cache.


Min Android var desværre ikke fuldt opladet, så vi benyttede os af Esbens iPhone. Den virkede faktisk rigtig godt – specielt det geocaching program han fandt til den virkede meget imponerende. Det bedste program jeg har funddet til min Android er geobeagle. Jeg finder det dog specielt lidt besværligt at få nye koordinater ind i geobeagle. Det benytter geocaching hjemmesiden, og den er altså lidt tung at danse med på den forholdsvis lille skærm. Men det kan være det bare er mig der skal vende mig til min nye telefon.

Jalousi er en grim ting

Just installed ubuntu on gf’s laptop… Now I’m jealous!

Fra etj i forgårs

Hvis Ubuntu kan gøre en inkarneret Mac bruger jaloux, så er vi ved at være der!

Beskeden fra hans kæreste (som vist har kørt med Windows XP tidligere) var i øvrigt

Program/OS working amazingly

Det er altid rart at høre fra glade ‘kunder’.

No content?!?

Esben complains that my blog (and the internet in general) has no content.

Well, if a box with cute kittens is not entertaining enough for you, you are indeed a cold hearted person.

Oh, and isn’t the internet about communication and information, more than entertainment? I don’t have the answer, but let’s ask these two dogs:


Dog one: Wroof wroof
Dog two: Oh, I was just about to say that…


So, it’s 2006 now. Newyears went fine – good food (sushi) here, and then off to rhk for drinking, dancing and general partyiing.

I finally got around to applying for my masters, turning in the application that is. Don’t know how long they need to do the paper work, but I guess they will contact me when they accept (or reject!) my application. I did that thursday. Same day as Esben returned from the states. After 15 hours of traveling, he sounded like he does when he is drunk, but all in all I think he was ok with comming home. The appartment looks like someone put a wardrobe into a blender and forgot to put the lid on – Esben is unpacking, Thomas hasn’t quite picked up all his stuff and there is generally a mess. (I’m not trying to be holy or anything, I have a lot of stuff laying around to.) But I guess that will all be cleaned up in the comming days. No big deal.

I should be writing just a little bit today, but as well as I know myself, I will proberly waste the next 4-5 hours and then go drinking with Esben and Mark. But who knows, time will tell. Maby I will stay at home and write the last 4-5 pages I need – blaah, who am I kidding!