Fredagsrock kalender

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Hvis du finder fejl i kalenderen så kontakt mig endelig – og husk nu på at det ikke er mig der styrer Fredagsrock. Hvis jeg har skrevet forkert eller koncerter bliver aflyst så er det altså ikke noget jeg tager ansvar for.

Vi ses i Tivoli.

Tivoli fredagsrock

Så er det vist på tide at få fornyet mit årskort til Tivoli for jeg har netop set deres Fredagsrock program.

Det ser godt ud! …eller, der er i hvert fald nok navne jeg gerne vil se til at det kan betale sig at købe et årskort.

Læserne af politikens IBYEN er lidt mere bitre, men bare fordi det appellerer bredt behøver det jo ikke være dårligt.

Pictures from Open Source Days 2008

As promised here are pictures of some members of the Danish Ubuntu LoCo team, at the Open Source Days 2008 in Copenhagen. All pictures by Niels Kjøller Hansen.

From left to right: Niels, Elge Sander, Søren (me), Mads, Mark and Sakse.

The moose is named after Helge Sander, our Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation. (Elg means moose in Danish.)

The Software Exchange was running the booth with the fancy setup. They work under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and help the public sector in Denmark choose relevant software, in particular open source software.

Below are some pictures of LoCo team members lounging in front of the portrait of the sabdfl.


Gratis marathon (for studerende)

Det er selvfølgelig altid gratis at løbe 42 km, men hvis man vil deltage i et rigtigt marathon, have målt sin tid, løbe på en officiel rute osv., så skal man ofte til lommerne.

Photo by: Kristian Mollenborg

De er dog muligt som studerende at komme gratis med til Copenhagen Marathon i maj 2009. Et sponsorat fra Politiken sikrer deltagelse for alle på en SU berettiget videregående uddannelse.

Man skal bl.a. angive sin studieretning og sit studienummer. Jeg ved ærligt talt ikke hvad mit studienummer er eller hvor jeg finder ud af det, så jeg angav mit studiekort nummer i stedet – håber at jeg får lov til at løbe med alligevel!

Lige nu er jeg meget langt fra at kunne løbe et marathon, da jeg er voldsomt forkølet, men jeg håber da at kunne træne mig op. Det bliver dog nok først engang i staten af foråret jeg begynder intensiv træning da jeg har meget svært ved at finde motivation for lange løbeture i det kolde vinter vejr og indendørs løb bliver meget hurtigt kedeligt.


The Danish Team got our free Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex CDs today!

The CD box contains

  • Ubuntu: PC: 230
  • Kubuntu: PC: 50
  • Server PC: PC: 50
  • Server 64bit: PC: 20

I actually thought the box would also include some 64bit (k)ubuntu desktop CDs. But there you go. If you are part of the Danish LoCo Team do get in touch if you want to help distribute these CDs. Everyone is of course free to use the Ship It service.

The delivery company (TNT) also deserves some praise. I wasn’t at home when they tried to deliver yesterday – but on my way home I received a phone call (why getting on the Metro) informing me that they had a package for me, if I would be home the next day or if other arrangements should be made. As it happens today is my day off, so I was at home, and they promised to be here between 9 and 16. I think they were here around 10.

Compared to other shipments I have received this was a nice service.

Open Source Days – I got my ticket!

As part of the Danish Team I’m going to the Open Source Days. I will be spending some time Saturday manning the Ubuntu booth but I do hope to get the time to sneak into a few talks. I might also make time to stop by Friday.

Although I have been circling some talks on my program print out, I haven’t decided yet on any must-see talks. The real problem seems to be that if you decide on one talk, you rule out the others happening at the same time – also I should expect to spend some time at the Ubuntu booth.

If you plan to show up at the Open Source Days make sure you stop by the Ubuntu booth at the second floor!

Getting ready to celebrate the Ibex

With the help of SSLUG the Danish Team now has a place to celebrate the coming release of Ubuntu 8.10 – Intrepid Ibex.

For the Hardy release ØJLUG helped us get a location in Århus. This time the release party will take place in Copenhagen, at the CBS (Copenhagen Business School).

If you are in (or near) Copenhagen on the first of November feel free to drop by – more info will follow here or at the wiki. If Copenhagen is to far contact your local LUG or LoCo team and see if they have something planned. If not, get something organised and post it here!

PS. It’s on!

Barsebäck – finally shut down.

Finally reactor two of the Barsebäck nuclear plant was shut down, and so the plant has finally stoped running. Ofcourse the halt of all the reactors will not make the nuclear waste vanish as by magic, but it will halt the production, and more importantly for me (and others living in copenhagen) remove the threath to the city. As Barsebäck is located less than 30 km from copenhagen, in the event of a disaster who knows what could happen.

I could go on by how this in no way ends the threath to copenhagen (or any other city) by nuclear plants located all over, or that the problems regarding nuclear waste are as real as ever, but right now i will just be happy with the close down of one plant.

… and now, it’s back to studying for me. I have exams starting in two weeks and i have a lot of reading to do.